Tuesday, December 25, 2007

We Wish You A Very Very Merry Christmas

I want to wish all of my readers a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. Remember to honor the real reason of Christmas. Without Him we would not have this time of year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

This is a custom John Deere 2020 Industrial. My Dad had one of these on our farm in New York. I used to ride on this tractor and fall asleep for my naps when I was a little kid. I wanted to make him a special one for Christmas. This tractor has a lot of custom painting to the motor. Custom muffler, and fender lights, that can be seen on the bottom picture.
Hey, girls like tractors too, and what better way than to order one the way you want it. These are both John Deere 2440's. Mistie wanted pink & purple, and Natalie wanted blue. They both really like these tractors. There is 4 or more coats of clear coat on these tractors to help protect the paint. I love you girls. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas Eve

Here is a picture of our FEARLESS leader, and director Jeanie Mowery!! (above) Look out David Phelps, you have competition. Great Job Bro. McCarty! (below)

Hey everybody, it's hard to believe Christmas is tommorrow. It just shows how time really moves on, and how it is so important to manage our time. Let's not forget the true meaning of this Season. I will be adding somemore Christmas program pictures so enjoy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Here was the youth ensamble, singing "Christmas At Home"
Picture of the battle scene
Ethan Martin doing the "Sinners Prayer"
I want to tell all the young people from our youth group what a great job they did. There was a lot of hours and dedication put into this program. It will also be on Wen. Dec. 19 PM @ 7:30

Christmas Program Highlights Dec. 16 AM

Here is a picture of Buddy Peters, playing his trumpet for the morning Christmas program. Excellent job Buddy.

The children singing one of there songs for the program.

Christmas Tractors

Here are two of the five tractors that I am doing for Christmas gifts this year. The first one is an International 1586 Custom. The cab was broken, it was missing all the tires and wheels and in need of paint. I cut the cab mounts of and then rounded the fender. It was then sandblasted, and primed. There is several coats of paint as well as clear coat. There was also a fender mounted radio, chrome stack with opening rain cap, and International white loader. Hope you enjoy your tractor Tristan. I had alot of fun working on it.

This tractor was also done for Tristan. His girlfriend ordered this one. (Lucky him) This is also an International 1586 custom. It has removable front weights, wheel weights, chrome stacks, and filler caps. Enjoy this one too Tristan, and have a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Been Awhile

Sorry it has been so long but life here on my end has been really really busy, like everybody elses this time of the year. It is hard to imagine that Thanksgiving is already over and Christmas is less than 3 weeks away. We had a good Thanksgiving break, eating too much and enjoying time with family. My nephew and I went hunting the first two days of deer season, without seeing anything. That was discouraging but at least we had fun.

We have also been busy with Christmas program practice at church.

I have 5 tractors on the go right now, trying to get them finished for Christmas.

Here is a tractor that I restored for my father-in-law for his birthday. It is a John Deere 3020 from 1968. This turned out really nice.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mike Max & Mistie

This is a picture of Mistie, Maxwell, and me. Jodie took the picture this morning.

Another Tractor

This is a John Deere 4430 with a lot of custom work done to it. There is a lot of time involved in this tractor and it still isn't finished. This tractor has a custom chrome stack, fender radio w/ antenna, fender light, and hood filler caps. This is the tractor that if you look at one of my former posts there are pictures of it before and during. There are several more that I am working on and I will try to keep my blog updated.
I am feeling a lot better today, I guess everything is out my system now. Well breakfast will soon be ready, and then off to work I go.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Official

Now that it is November we can say that Thanksgiving is this month, the anticipated BUCK season is less than a month a way and that Christmas is NEXT month. Where has time gone??!! It makes you realize that you need to spend it wisely. HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Test Results

I had my test today and it went very well. It did take the nurse two times to get the IV in though. As far as the test itself I was asleep for that but they didn't find anything majorly wrong, thank the Lord. They did find some inflammation but no bleeding, so I guess I'll have to be going for further tests. I wanted to include a picture of our dog. His name is Maxwell or just Max for short. He is an English Cocker Spaniel. He's a pretty fun dog, when he is sleeping he starts to snore, I never had a dog do that before, at least not as much as he does.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Great Weather

We have been having some really nice cool weather here in PA this week. Thank the Lord also for the MUCH needed rain we received last week. I went to the doctors today and didn't get to encouraging news. Tomorrow I have to go for an Upper GI and am a little nervous about it, so if you don't mind say a prayer. My tractor building has been going good, but is a little slowed down because of being busy with other things and waiting on getting heat in my shed so I can do my painting. Thanks to those who have left comments, it is nice to hear from them. I recommend that you check out my Pastor's blog, it is the McCarty link on the upper right side of my page. He has a really nice setup and some interesting stuff. Thanks for being my friends. Have a great evening

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy October

Hi everyone and a happy October to all. Fall is finally here. Last Saturday was the start of archery season, and Jodie niece's boyfriend shot a 9 point.
Jodie and I both suffered through a case of food poision over the weekend. We also went to see my parents and then went to visit my grandma in Health South. Aunt Cathy, Mike, Carli, and there little girl, and us all had a little celebration for my pap and gram for there anniversary. We had pizza, subs, stromboli's and other good food. After all these years, and many phyiscal problems they are still very much in love. They set a good example for the rest of us. Well this is all for tonight.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today was just another busy day. I did my regular bus run in the morning and then went to Lewistown for parts. Went home for dinner and then had to go do a van run in the afternoon. Back home for supper, and then had to learn another bus route for Friday night. We also went to church tonight.

The above pictures is an update of my 4430, all torn apart and sandblasted. The other one is of the first coat of primer. I got another box in the mail today, it is a John Deere 4440 that I'm going to be restoring.

So much for tonight. HAVE A GREAT DAY, A GREAT DAY INDEED!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm Still Alive

Hey! I'm still alive and doing well. It has been a very busy couple of weeks. We just closed out a good revival at our church with Rev. John White. I've gotten a couple more "toy" picture to show. The nice one is a John Deere 4010 Diesel, it is a real nicely detailed tractor that I got off of Ebay. The old tractor picture is an old one that I got off of Ebay also. I know, it looks really bad, but wait until it is all done. It is a John Deere 4430 from back in the 70's that I got for a really good deal. This tractor is really popular on the antique market. I will try to keep my readers posted with updates.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Way to go PENN STATE

Just in case you haven't heard yet Penn State BEAT Notre Dame 31-10. Hey Aunt Kay you better hope Ohio can handle the White Out, in a couple of weeks.

This is another before and after picture of a John Deere 5020. It belonged to my brother-in-law when he was a boy, and then gave it to his son years ago. I restored it for his birthday. I am building another puller, it is an International 1066 with a custom paint job. I also have a John Deere Compact Utility and a Ford 8N that will be restored soon.
Thanks for looking at my blog and don't be afraid to leave comments.

Friday, September 7, 2007

New One

Here is a before and after picture of a John Deere 2440 that I have customized. This was also a toy that I had when I was a kid. I have added a set of duals to the rear, new paint, and new decals. It is not completed yet but I just wanted to post an update. Hopefully the last coat of paint was put on my next tractor that I'm working on. There will be pictures posted soon.
Things were pretty crazy this week with work. I didn't get home till 11:30 last night because of a sports run to State College. Thanks to my dad for taking me out to HOSS"S.
If you think of it say a prayer for my parents and family there going through a tuff time right now with my Grammy in the hospital, Betty in rehab, Pap not doing well, and another family member and a friend in the hospital. Lord willing everything will work out.
This is all for tonight, also if you know of anyone that has any old tractors they want to get rid of let me know.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Busy Weekend

I have had a very busy, but fun weekend. We left Friday night and went to see my grandparents and then went to my parents place. We had a family reunion on Saturday, went to my parents church on Sunday, and helped my dad work on his rental property on Monday. Last night I went to Halifax with a sports run. Tonight I went to church and tomorrow night I go to State College for another sports run. Hopefully everything goes good. This is a picture of a John Deere forage harvester that I restored. It was one of my toys when I was a kid. It was released somewhere in the early to mid 80's. I have three tractors that are being worked on now, so I'll keep y'all up to date on how things are going. Way to go Penn State Last Weekend good Luck This Weekend!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Here we go again see if it works this time. Check back for more posts. This is a picture of my first custom puller that I just built. Let me know what you think.