Friday, September 7, 2007

New One

Here is a before and after picture of a John Deere 2440 that I have customized. This was also a toy that I had when I was a kid. I have added a set of duals to the rear, new paint, and new decals. It is not completed yet but I just wanted to post an update. Hopefully the last coat of paint was put on my next tractor that I'm working on. There will be pictures posted soon.
Things were pretty crazy this week with work. I didn't get home till 11:30 last night because of a sports run to State College. Thanks to my dad for taking me out to HOSS"S.
If you think of it say a prayer for my parents and family there going through a tuff time right now with my Grammy in the hospital, Betty in rehab, Pap not doing well, and another family member and a friend in the hospital. Lord willing everything will work out.
This is all for tonight, also if you know of anyone that has any old tractors they want to get rid of let me know.